Q&A of the Day – Florida’s Proposed Constitutional Carry Legislation https://wjno.iheart.com/featured/brian-mudd/content/2023-02-01-qa-of-the-day-floridas-proposed-constitutional-carry-legislation/
This build was sponsored by IG:@invaderZip_ & IG:ZavairFirearms AKA http://22mods4all.com
Here is the lower to complete your AR-10!
PSA BLEM PA-10 Gen 3 Stripped Lower Receiver | Palmetto State Armory https://flyingrich.com/13
You need this AR-10 Kit! Check for the stripped lower!
PSA BLEM PA-10 Rifle Kit Gen3 18" Mid-Lgth .308 WIN 1/10 SS 15" LTWT M-lok ACS-L 2-Stage | Palmetto State Armory https://flyingrich.com/12